Now showing items 161-180 of 1671

    • Confronting New Realities: Actions and Priorities for the International Community in Afghanistan 

      Bowden, Mark; Hakimi, Hameed; Ramalingam, Ben (UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub, 2022-05-24)
      This paper summarises the consultations, findings and recommendations of the workshops and published papers under the Afghanistan Strategic Learning Initiative (ASLI). The ASLI has been convened and supported by the UK ...
    • Needs and Vulnerability in Afghanistan 

      Allouche, Jeremy; Sida, Lewis; Nelis, Tina; Shahab, Sofya (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-24)
      This paper draws on a series of events under the Afghanistan Strategic Learning Initiative (ASLI). The initiative has been convened with the support of the UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub and the donor, the UK Foreign, ...
    • A Media Analysis of Changes in International Human Trafficking Routes from Nepal 

      Kharel, Arjun; Bhattarai, Sadikshya; Aryal, Prajesh; Shrestha, Sudhir; Oosterhoff, Pauline; Snyder, Karen (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-24)
      This study examined the media portrayal of different actors involved in human trafficking from Nepal to understand the reported changes in international routes of human trafficking from Nepal after 2015. The findings of ...
    • Tackling Workplace Sexual Harassment 

      Oosterom, Marjoke; Huq, Lopita; Namuggala, Victoria; Nazneen, Sohela; Nankindu, Prosperous; Sultan, Maheen; Sultana, Asifa; Azim, Firdous (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-23)
      Employment is believed to be a crucial avenue for women’s empowerment, yet widespread workplace sexual harassment undermines this in many countries. Young and unmarried women from poor backgrounds are particularly at risk, ...
    • Pairing Social Innovation and Resilience to Achieve Trans-formative Change 

      Wandji, Dieunedort; Allouche, Jeremy (University of Johannesburg, 2021-12)
      This paper is a reflection on broadening understandings of innovation, using preliminary data on individual and collective repertoires of resilient practices in the context of multiple crises across Côte d’Ivoire. It ...
    • Seeing the Combined Effects of Aid Programmes 

      Burge, Richard; Nadelman, Rachel; McGee, Rosie; Fox, Jonathan; Anderson, Colin (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-10)
      Multiple aid agencies often try to support change in the same places, at the same time, and with similar actors. Surprisingly, their interactions and combined effects are rarely explored. This Policy Briefing describes ...
    • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) in Bangladesh: Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic 

      Hrynick, Tabitha; Barasa, Violet; Abbas, Syed (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-06)
      The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated and drawn fresh attention to long-standing systemic weaknesses in health and economic systems. The virus – and the public health response – has wrought significant disruption on sexual ...
    • Accountability and Responsiveness in Managing Covid-19 in Bangladesh 

      Chowdhury, Shuvra; Hossain, Naomi (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-05-04)
      This Working Paper reports on a scoping study on the mechanisms and processes through which the Bangladeshi government listened to citizens’ needs and citizens held government accountable for its policy responses to the ...
    • Building Back Better from Covid-19? What Follows for Peace, Governance and Equality - Synthesis Note 

      Luckham, Robin; Carter, Becky (SDC Governance Network, 2022-03)
      The Covid-19 pandemic is both a health emergency and a crisis of governance, testing health and other public institutions to their furthest limits. The unfolding of the pandemic has been shaped as much by the policy responses ...
    • Building Back Better from Covid-19? What Follows for Peace, Governance and Equality 

      Luckham, Robin; Carter, Becky (SDC Governance Network, 2022-03)
      The Covid-19 pandemic is a massive public health and humanitarian crisis. At the same time, it is a crisis of governance, in which global, national and local governance institutions have been tested to their limits. This ...
    • Food Security and Nutrition Inequities in the Context of Agricultural Commercialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Narrative Literature Review 

      Gordon, Jessica (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-04-20)
      Many sub-Saharan African countries are choosing to prioritise market-oriented agricultural production as a central component of their agricultural and economic development strategies. An increasing focus on inequity in ...
    • Cambodia’s Covid-19 Response and Migrant Workers 

      Bunthea, Keo; Kasper, Eric; Chiang, Mina; Chen, Sharlene (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-04)
      As in many Southeast Asian countries, the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and policies to limit its spread greatly disrupted Cambodia’s economy. Workers in Cambodia overwhelmingly operate in the informal sector and remittances ...
    • Natural Resource Industries as a Platform for the Development of Knowledge Intensive Industries 

      Marín, Anabel; Navas-Alemán, Lizbeth; Perez, Carlota (Wiley Online Library, 2015-01-13)
      In the innovation and development literature, natural resources (NR) are generally viewed as a curse for developing nations and NR-based industries as having little potential to innovate and drive long-term growth. This ...
    • Modelos de Desarrollo en Disputa 

      Fressoli, Mariano; Marín, Anabel (National University of Comahue, 2021-07-08)
      La pandemia por COVID-19 obliga a reconsiderar el papel del Estado y su escala de intervención. La vuelta de la intervención estatal también es oportunidad para redireccionar la economía hacia direcciones más sustentables. ...
    • Decolonising Knowledge for Development in the Covid-19 Era 

      Taylor, Peter; Tremblay, Crystal (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-03)
      This Working Paper seeks to explore current and emerging framings of decolonising knowledge for development. It does this with the intent of helping to better understand the importance of diverse voices, knowledges, and ...
    • The Challenges of Leaving Protectionism Behind: the Political Economy of Trade Policy in Argentina 

      O’Farrell, Juan; Obaya, Martín; Marín, Anabel (Inter-American Development Bank, 2022-02)
      In 2015, the government of Argentina experienced a significant shift in its pro - grammatic orientation from an administration characterized as left-of-center and interventionist to one considered right-of-center and market ...
    • Innovation and Competitiveness in Mining Value Chains: The Case of Argentina 

      Marin, Anabel; Stubrin, Lilia; Murguía, Diego; Carreras, Enrique; Palacin, Rocío (Inter-American Development Bank, 2021-10)
      Argentina has outstanding mineral potential, with substantial amounts of unexplored and unex - ploited geological resources. Despite this potential, the nonenergy mining sector is still small-scale, representing ...
    • Social Assistance in Response to Covid-19: Reaching the Furthest Behind First? 

      Roelen, Keetie; Carter, Becky (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-03-30)
      Social assistance has proven a vital component of the response to the unprecedented global crisis of Covid-19. Almost all countries across the world implemented some form of social assistance to provide a buffer against ...
    • Social Assistance and Covid-19: Reaching the Furthest Behind First? 

      Roelen, Keetie; Carter, Becky (Institute of Development Studies, 2022-03-30)
      Social assistance has been a vital part of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic to buffer against the worst of its socioeconomic consequences. But it is not clear whether these measures were inclusive of the most marginalised ...
    • Designing an Interactive Real-time Web-mapped Dashboard to Visualise Conflict Ceasefires Data Over COVID-19 Infection Rates: Facilities and the Way Ahead 

      Bhattacharya, Devanjan; Badanjak, Sanja; Bell, Christine; Knäussel, Fiona; Wise, Laura; Allison, John; Bach, Benjamin (IEEE, 2021-11-30)
      In March 2020, the UN Secretary General issued a call for a global ceasefire to help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. This call was expected to result in a variety of responses from governments, diplomats, armed groups, NGOs, ...