Now showing items 301-320 of 444

    • Corruption and Democracy in Latin America 

      Little, Walter (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1996)
      Summary This essay examines the recent incidence of corruption as an issue in Latin American politics. It suggests that the process of democratization may have made corruption more pronounced. It concludes that Latin ...
    • Where Currents Meet: The Offshore Interface Between Corruption, Offshore Finance Centres and Economic Development 

      Hampton, Mark P. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1996)
      Summary The connections between economic development, corruption and the increasingly globalized financial system are not yet fully understood. In this article we examine tax havens and Offshore Finance Centres (OFCs) ...
    • Contemporary Warfare in Africa: 

      Waal, Alex de (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries This article attempts to synthesize a coherent analysis of the ways in which warfare in Africa has changed since the end of the Cold War. Strategies used by governments to combat insurgencies and counter the ...
    • War and Rural Development in Africa: 

      Swift, Jeremy (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
    • Livestock Raiding Among the Pastoral Turkana of Kenya: 

      Hendrickson, Dylan; Mearns, Robin; Armon, Jeremy (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries The long?persisting and erroneous conception of famine among the pastoral Turkana of Kenya as an essentially ‘drought?driven’ event has given way to growing recognition today of the key role which livestock ...
    • Towards a Gendered Understanding of Conflict 

      Byrne, Bridget (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries Conflict has only recently been examined in the context of development studies and a gender analysis is frequently lacking. Nevertheless a gender analysis is an important tool for understanding how economic, ...
    • Conflict Management for Multiple Resource Users in Pastoralist and Agro?Pastoralist Contexts 

      Cousins, Ben (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries The article addresses conflict management in contexts where pastoralists and agro?pastoralists are engaged in multiple resource use systems. In these a resource is used by more than one owner, either for the ...
    • Agricultural Rehabilitation and Food Insecurity in Post?war Rwanda: 

      Pottier, Johan (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries Early comments on the impact of the conflict on Rwanda's food production capacity claimed that the loss of harvests and seeds was virtually total. Almost instantaneously, it was revealed that a solution existed: ...
    • The Mental Health of War?damaged Populations 

      Parker, Melissa (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries This article draws upon the psychiatric, psycho?analytic and anthropological literature to show that we know very little about the psychological consequences of war and upheaval in the non?Western world. The ...
    • Military Humanitamnism and the New Peacekeeping: 

      Slim, Hugo (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1996)
      Summaries This article examines the rise of the military humanitarian policy of the United Nations since 1992 and outlines the new military doctrine on peacekeeping. First it explores how a military based approach to the ...
    • Macroeconomic Evaluation of Programme Aid: 

      White, Howard (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries The author examines aggregate and categorical fungibility for the recipient of untied foreign exchange. Aggregate fungibility considers the impact of the funds received on either external account aggregates such ...
    • Evaluating Programme Aid: 

      White, Howard (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
    • Evaluating the Poverty Impact of Programme Aid 

      Addison, Tony (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries To strengthen the help that programme aid gives to poor, we must strengthen its ability to increase the participation of the poor in growth. To do this requires a detailed appraisal during a programme's preparation ...
    • Catch the Tiger by its Tail: 

      Maxwell, Simon (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries Counterpart funds generated by programme aid do not provide real resources over and above the commodities or foreign exchange transferred as aid: they represent the tail not the tiger. However, donor policy has ...
    • Danish Balance of Payments Support 

      Tarp, Finn; Kragh, Mads Váczy (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries This study is an analysis of Danish Balance of Payments Support (BOP) covering the period 1988–94. This aid instrument was not as significant in Denmark as in other like minded donor countries. Danish BOP was ...
    • The Case of the European Union 

      Caputo, Enzo (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries The paper provides an overview of the recent EU experience in BOP Support programmes. The author considers the evaluations carried out by the EU, discussing both the findings and the methodological issues related ...
    • Programme Aid Evaluation: 

      Eeckhout, Marion; Jong, Niek de; Valk, Peter de (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries With the introduction of Structural Adjustment Programmes, the objectives of programme aid shifted from relief of foreign exchange constraints to supporting policy reforms. The appraisal criteria for providing ...
    • Balance of Payments Support Aid in Japan: 

      Koichi, Sakamoto (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries The paper presents an overview of the historical evolution of BOP support aid in Japan, including changes in its policies and modalities. Organizational set?up and evaluation methodologies of official donor ...
    • Methodology and Findings of Evaluations of Non?project Financial Aid 

      Norbye, Ole David Koht (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries The objectives and importance of Norwegian balance of payments support offered mainly as commodity import support (CIS) is described and discussed. Six evaluations of Norwegian CIS has been reviewed in order to ...
    • Evaluations of Balance of Payments Support: 

      Vylder, Stefan de (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1996)
      Summaries The author argues that macroeconomic evaluations of the impact of aid still lack an established methodology. It is mentioned that when assessing the impact of economic reform programmes, the authors of the various ...