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Incontinence : Il faut que nous parlions de fuites;
Precisamos de Falar Sobre Incontinência

dc.contributor.authorRosato-Scott, Claire
dc.contributor.authorBarrington, Dani J.
dc.contributor.authorBhakta, Amita
dc.contributor.authorHouse, Sarah J.
dc.contributor.authorMactaggart, Islay
dc.contributor.authorWilbur, Jane
dc.identifier.citationRosato-Scott, C.; Barrington, D.J.; Bhakta, A.; House, S.J.; Mactaggart, I. and Wilbur, J. (2020) ‘Incontinence: We Need to Talk About Leaks', Frontiers of Sanitation: Innovations and Insights 16, Brighton: IDS, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2020.005en
dc.identifier.citationRosato-Scott, C., Barrington, D.J., Bhakta, A., House, S.J., Mactaggart, I. et Wilbur, J. (2020) « Incontinence : Il faut que nous parlions de fuites », Aux Frontières de l’assainissement : Innovations et Impressions 16, Brighton : IDS, DOI : 10.19088/SLH.2020.011fr
dc.identifier.citationRosato-Scott, C., Barrington, D.J., Bhakta, A., House, S.J., Mactaggart, I. e Wilbur, J. (2020) "Precisamos de falar de incontinência", Fronteiras do Saneamento: Inovações i Ideias 16, Brighton: IDS, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2020.007pt
dc.description.abstractAnyone, of any gender, at any age, can leak urine or faeces. What would you do if it happened to you? Imagine if you’d woken up this morning and you’d wet the bed. What would you do? Have a wash, put on clean clothes, change the bedding and put it in a washing machine? You may go to the shop and buy an incontinence pad. And perhaps if you knew that there was help available for leaking urine you’d make an appointment to see a doctor next week and then just carry on with the rest of your day, dignity intact. Now imagine if you’d woken up this morning and you’d wet the bed. But to have a wash, or clean your clothes and bedding, you’d have to walk for an hour to collect water. Imagine you are frightened to walk there alone, the path is steep and you struggle to use the hand pump. Even if you did get water, you don’t have enough soap so the smells would linger anyway. And after all that effort, you have nothing to wear to soak up urine if it happens again. What if you didn’t know that leaking urine was common, and you spent the rest of the day worried about your health and too embarrassed to go to work in case people could tell? What if you were worried that your partner would hit you again for making a mess so you had very little to drink all day for fear of it happening again? What can you do to support people living with incontinence? To start, we need to talk about leaks.en
dc.description.abstractPlease also see the accompanying document: How to Talk About Incontinence: A Checklist at
dc.description.abstractTout le monde, quel que soit son sexe ou son âge, peut subir des fuites urinaires ou fécales. Que feriez-vous si cela vous arrivait ? Imaginez que vous vous réveilliez un matin et découvriez que vous avez mouillé le lit. Que feriez-vous ? Vous feriez votre toilette, mettriez des vêtements propres, changeriez les draps pour les mettre dans la machine à laver ? Vous iriez peut-être au magasin acheter des protections contre l’incontinence. Et si vous saviez qu’il existe de l’aide pour faire face à vos fuites urinaires, peut-être prendriez-vous rendez-vous chez un médecin la semaine prochaine avant de poursuivre votre vie de tous les jours, sans atteinte à votre dignité. À présent, imaginez que vous vous réveillez un matin et découvrez que vous avez mouillé le lit. Mais pour faire votre toilette ou nettoyer vos vêtements et vos draps, vous êtes obligé·e de marcher pendant une heure pour aller chercher de l’eau. Imaginez que vous avez peur d’aller seul·e jusqu’au point d’eau ; le sentier est raide et vous avez toujours du mal à actionner la pompe à main. Même si vous parvenez à aller chercher de l’eau, vous n’avez pas suffisamment de savon, donc vous ne pourrez pas vous débarrasser des mauvaises odeurs. Et après tous ces efforts, vous n’avez rien à vous mettre pour absorber l’urine si jamais cela venait à se reproduire. Et si vous ne saviez pas que les fuites urinaires sont en fait fréquentes et si vous passiez le reste de la journée à vous inquiéter pour votre santé, trop gênée pour aller travailler de crainte que les gens ne s’aperçoivent de votre problème ? Et si vous aviez peur que votre partenaire vous frappe encore une fois pour avoir mouillé le lit, de sorte que vous vous priviez de boire toute la journée, de crainte que cela se reproduise la nuit suivante ? Que pouvez-vous faire pour aider les personnes qui souffrent d’incontinence ? Pour commencer, il faut que nous parlions de
dc.description.abstractVeuillez également consulter le document d'accompagnement : « Comment parler de l’incontinence : Aide-mémoire »
dc.description.abstractQualquer pessoa, de qualquer género, em qualquer idade, pode não conseguir conter a urina ou as fezes. O que faria se lhe acontecesse isso a si? Imagine que tinha acordado esta manhã e tinha feito chichi na cama. O que fazia? Lavava-se, vestia roupa lavada, mudava a roupa da cama e punha-a a lavar na máquina? Podia ir à loja e comprar pensos para incontinência. E, se soubesse que havia ajuda disponível para a incontinência urinária, talvez marcasse uma consulta médica na próxima semana e depois continuasse o seu dia, sem que a sua dignidade fosse afectada. Agora imagine que tinha acordado esta manhã e tinha feito chichi na cama. Mas, para se lavar ou para lavar a roupa e a roupa de cama, tinha de caminhar durante uma hora para ir buscar água. Imagine que tem medo de ir sozinho buscar água, o caminho é íngreme e custa-lhe a servir-se da bomba manual. Mesmo que arranjasse água, não tinha sabão suficiente e o cheiro continuava a fazer-se sentir qualquer forma. E que, depois de todo esse esforço, não tinha nada que pudesse usar para absorver a urina, se isto se repetisse. E se não soubesse que a incontinência urinária é comum, e passasse o resto do dia preocupado com a sua saúde e tivesse vergonha de ir para o trabalho, porque as pessoas podiam saber? E se estivesse preocupada que o seu companheiro lhe voltasse a bater por «estar a fazer porcarias», e, por isso, bebesse muito pouco durante todo o dia, com medo de que voltasse a acontecer o mesmo? O que se pode fazer para apoiar as pessoas que vivem com incontinência? Para começar, precisamos de falar de incontinê
dc.description.abstractEsta lista de controlo acompanha o guia “Precisamos de falar sobre incontinência” ( – usados em conjunto, estes dois documentos podem aumentar os seus conhecimentos sobre incontinência e sobre as opções disponíveis para apoiar as pessoas que vivem com ela, e dar orientações sobre como ter conversas para compreender a melhor maneira de apoiar as pessoas que vivem com incontinência na sua
dc.description.sponsorshipFunded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation (Sida).en
dc.publisherInstitute of Development Studiesen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFrontiers of Sanitation: Innovations and Insights;16
dc.rightsThis series is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Non-commercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes No Derivative Works: You may not alter, transfer, or build on this work. Users are welcome to copy, distribute, display, translate or perform this work without written permission. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work. If you use the work, we ask that you reference the SLH website ( and send a copy of the work or a link to its use online to the following address: The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RE, UK ( Consent has been given to take and use all of the photos in this publication. This document has been financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Sida does not necessarily share the views expressed in this material. Responsibility for its contents rests entirely with the author.en
dc.titleIncontinence: We Need to Talk About Leaksen
dc.titleIncontinence : Il faut que nous parlions de fuitesfr
dc.titlePrecisamos de Falar Sobre Incontinênciapt
dc.title.alternativeFrontiers of Sanitation: Innovations and Insightsen
dc.typeSeries paper (non-IDS)en
dc.rights.holderInstitute of Development Studiesen
rioxxterms.funderDefault funderen
rioxxterms.identifier.projectThe Sanitation Learning Huben

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