Now showing items 221-240 of 430

    • The Issue of Equity: research on selection processes for educational programmes in developing countries 

      Altink, Wieby M. M.; Thijs, Gerard D. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1984)
      SUMMARY The project described is concerned with designing selection processes for ‘upgrading programmes’ in science and mathematics, to be used especially in southern African countries. There is a conflict between the ...
    • Vocational Training for Refugees and Sudanese: an institutional set?up for cooperative research 

      Schoenmeier, H. W. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1984)
      SUMMARY This training project, set up under the Sudanese Government's National Programme for the Settlement of Refugees, offers apprenticeship training through vocational training centres, and basic training through youth ...
    • Students Learning Orientations and Adult Work (SLOG): a case in collaborative cross?national educational research 

      Little, Angela (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1984)
      SUMMARY The Students Learning Orientation Group is a cross?national collaborative project and research team, which is examining the link between measures of assessment — (qualifications) — orientation, and long term work ...
    • Research Project on Youth, Non?Formal Training and Employment in Lusaka, Zambia: a case?study 

      Hoppers, Wim (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1984)
      SUMMARY This research — on the social and economic role of non?formal urban craft training — led the author to conclude that local collaboration is essential. He did not work with a counterpart, but invested great importance ...
    • Slowdown or Crisis? Editorial Introduction 

      Evans, David; Kaplinsky, Raphael (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY This introduction poses the dilemma of how to characterise the current state of the world economy — is it a mere slowdown, subject to correction by the implementation of better?designed market?orientated strategies, ...
    • Two Faces of a Coin: international trade and debt 

      Wolf, Martin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY Debt is deferred trade. For many of the indebted developing countries, trade can no longer be deferred. Most are required to service some of their debt through adjustments in trade, but many have found export ...
    • The Effects of American Policies – a new classical interpretaton 

      Minford, Patrick (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY Patrick Minford argues that the major short?run cause of disturbance in the world economy in the 1980s has been US macro?economic policy. He suggests that the elimination of this source of distortion and instability ...
    • The Impact of World Recession and World Prices on a Sample of Developing Countries 

      Harvey, Charles (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY The impact of the post?1979 recession on a sample of developing countries, was more severe than it need have been because of its unanticipated length and severity. The role of development strategies, subsidies, ...
    • Growth, Cycles, Crisis 

      Brody, Andrew (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY This article describes how a simple model of equilibrium growth can be transformed into a complex cyclical model illuminating our understanding of the world?wide slowdown in economic activity witnessed since the ...
    • Long Waves and Changes in Socioeconomic Organisation 

      Perez, Carlota (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY This article presents a set of hypotheses to explain the Kondratiev long waves. It suggests that they can be understood as the rise and fall of successive and distinct modes of growth of the total system, based ...
    • London and the Greater London Council: restructuring the Capital of Capital 

      Murray, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY London — still one of the world's major imperial capitals — is facing a severe economic crisis, with 400,000 people unemployed, mass poverty, and large scale de?industrialisation. This is partly the result of ...
    • Unstable Empire: US business in the international economy 

      MacEwan, Arthur (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY This article argues that the international operations of US business constitute an unstable empire. In developing this argument, the article examines three aspects of US?based international business activity: the ...
    • Civilisational Crisis 

      Miszlivetz, Ferenc; Kaldor, Mary (Institute of Development Studies, 01/01/1985)
      SUMMARY This article addresses the issue of ‘civilisational crisis’. The nation?state systems upon which the world economy is built require for their survival the reassertion of nationalism at ever higher levels, finding ...
    • Introduction 

      Holmes, John; Leys, Colin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
    • The World Crisis: the globalisation of the general crisis of Fordism 

      Lipietz, Alain (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY The present crisis in the world economy is traced to the exhaustion of ‘Fordism’, the ‘regime of accumulation’ consolidated in North America and Western Europe after 1945 in which mass production technology led ...
    • From Heartland to Periphery: the effects of capitalist restructuring in Quebec 

      Gagnon, Alain; Montcalm, Mary Beth (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY This article examines the shifting political alliances in contemporary Quebec which both jeopardise the position of the Parti québécois and threaten the interests of the new middle class which became extremely ...
    • The Decline of North American Industry 

      Niosi, Jorge; Faucher, Philippe (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY While the US has not suffered significant falls in either absolute industrial employment or output during the post?war period it has experienced a relative decline in manufacturing, commerce and finance. This ...
    • The Grenadian Crisis and the Caribbean Left 

      Thomas, Clive Y. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY Prior to October 1983 ‘popular forces’ had established a hitherto unmatched degree of hegemony throughout the Caribbean region. The self?destruction of the Grenadian revolution opened the way to the restoration ...
    • The United States and Canada: State Policy and Strategic Perspectives on Capital in Central America 

      Petras, James; Morley, Morris (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY Central America has been directly affected by the global economic crisis and, particularly, by the crisis of US hegemony. This article examines the interests and strategies of North American capital in Central ...
    • The Chilean Left and the Question of Democratic Transition 

      Adkin, Laurie; Hyett, Catherine (Institute of Development Studies, 01/04/1985)
      SUMMARY This article focuses on the evolving gradualist strategies of the left opposition in Chile, and their possible outcomes. It examines the influences on the divergent Chilean tendencies of the lessons drawn from the ...