Now showing items 261-280 of 2901

    • Glossary: Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage 

      Nelson, Erica (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      This is the glossary to IDS Bulletin 49.2, 'Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage'.
    • Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage 

      Nelson, Erica; Bloom, Gerald; Shankland, Alex (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      In July 2017, IDS hosted a workshop on ‘Unpicking Power and Politics for Transformative Change: Towards Accountability for Health Equity’, with the aim of generating dialogue and mutual learning among activists, researchers, ...
    • Notes on Article Contributors 

      Nelson, Erica (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      This is the notes on article contributors for IDS Bulletin 49.2, 'Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage'.
    • Notes on Multimedia Contributors 

      Nelson, Erica (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      This is the Notes on Multimedia Contributors for IDS Bulletin 49.2, 'Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage'.
    • Foreword 

      The International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 (UHC2030) Core Team (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      This is the foreword of IDS Bulletin 49.2, 'Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage'.
    • Introduction: Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage 

      Nelson, Erica; Bloom, Gerald; Shankland, Alex (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-05-01)
      This issue of the IDS Bulletin developed out of a workshop held at IDS, 19–21 July 2017, entitled ‘Unpicking Power and Politics for Transformative Change: Towards Accountability for Health Equity’. We consider three ...
    • Inclusive Peace and Security 

      Luckham, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-04)
      This IDS Bulletin Archive Collection reviews four decades of analysis and research on peace, security, and development, drawing on articles published in previous issues of the Bulletin throughout this timeframe. IDS first ...
    • Notes on Contributors: Inclusive Peace and Security’ 

      Luckham, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-04)
      This is the notes on contributors for IDS Bulletin 49.1A, 'Inclusive Peace and Security’.
    • From Disarmament and Development to Inclusive Peace and Security: Four Decades of IDS Research 

      Luckham, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-04)
      This introductory article surveys four decades of work on peace, security, and development, centring on articles published in previous issues of the IDS Bulletin. These articles focused initially on disarmament and its ...
    • Peace and Development 

      Brandt, Willy (Institute of Development Studies, 1985-10)
      This article reviews the deterioration in the international situation since the Report of the International Commission on Development Issues was published five years ago. It contends that most of the Commission's proposals ...
    • Editorial: Disarmament and Development – the International Context 

      Luckham, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 1985-10)
      The interconnections between international economic recession, the new Cold War and militarisation in the South provide the context for the articles in the IDS Bulletin 'Disarmament and World Development: Is There a Way ...
    • Globalism Versus Villagism: Food Security and Environment at National and International Levels 

      Davies, Susanna; Leach, Melissa (Institute of Development Studies, 1991-07)
      Links between food security and the environment occur at national and international levels, as well as locally. But perceptions of the relationship at global and village levels diverge widely. Considering a number of issues ...
    • War and Famine in Africa 

      de Waal, Alex (Institute of Development Studies, 1993-10)
      War is the major cause of famine in Africa. Wars cause famine in three major ways: (1) the direct destruction of battle, and the consumption of resources, including food, by armies; (2) famine is a weapon of war, particularly ...
    • Insecurity, Conflict and the New Global Disorder 

      Willett, Susan (Institute of Development Studies, 2001-05)
      The current neoliberal preoccupation with the benefits of globalisation, which have been hailed as the great panacea for all the world's economic problems, has done little for the 1.3 billion people whose economic circumstances ...
    • Peace Through Agrarian Justice 

      Richards, Paul; Bah, Khadija (Institute of Development Studies, 2005-06)
      The extent to which recent African civil wars have also been agrarian crises has been underestimated. Urban “loose molecules” and the lure of mineral resources have been put forward as reasons for protracted conflicts. ...
    • ‘Security from Below’ in Contexts of Chronic Violence 

      Abello Colak, Alexandra; Pearce, Jenny (Institute of Development Studies, 2009-03)
      At the same time that the field of security moves away from traditional state-centred perspectives towards a human-centred understanding of security, contemporary states seem to be incapable of protecting people from ...
    • Gendering the New Security Paradigm in Sri Lanka 

      de Mel, Neloufer (Institute of Development Studies, 2009-05)
      This article points to the significant military turn that has taken place in Sri Lanka following the armed conflict between the Sri Lanka government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). It is particularly ...
    • Researching the Gendered Silences of Violence in El Salvador 

      Hume, Mo (Institute of Development Studies, 2009-05)
      All research on violence is informed by silences. In practical terms, an immediate reading of silence may be that it presents an obstacle for the researcher who is dependent on people who are willing to speak out. Another ...
    • Quantitative Methods in Contexts of Everyday Violence 

      Justino, Patricia; Leavy, Jennifer; Valli, Elsa (Institute of Development Studies, 2009-05)
      The analysis of violence from an individual or household perspective is arguably one of the most challenging research areas in social science. Outbreaks of violence affect the core of human relations and social norms. ...
    • Crime and Social Cohesion in the Time of Crisis: Early Evidence of Wider Impacts of Food, Fuel and Financial Shocks 

      Hossain, Naomi (Institute of Development Studies, 2009-09)
      Economic crises have a series of impacts on society and security, depending on their severity, and on people’s capacities to cope with and adapt to stresses on livelihoods and community relations. This article highlights ...