Now showing items 361-380 of 380

    • Planning: Too much or too little Politics? 

      Botting, Joseph (Institute of Development Studies, 01/02/1978)
      SUMMARY Planning failures in less developed countries have sometimes been attributed to too much political interference of an arbitrary and haphazard nature. Another explanation may be too little rather than too much ...
    • Simulation Exercises for the Teaching of Planning: The Example of Ruritania 

      Kitching, Gavin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/02/1978)
      SUMMARY This article outlines experience with the use of a simulation exercise in teaching development planning. Two years of using the exercise has shown that simulation is an invaluable aid, especially in the teaching ...
    • Political Demands and Essential Guarantees: Editorial 

      Rew, Alan (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY An extended editorial essay examines the nature of the basic needs debate, providing a context for the discussion taken up in subsequent articles. Particular and distracting attention is usually paid in that ...
    • Basic Human Needs: Concept or Slogan, Synthesis or Smokescreen ? 

      Green, Reginald Herbold (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY Basic Human Needs/Basic Needs emerged in the middle 1970s as a widely debated way of analysing and formulating development. It has a number of elements and has drawn upon a number of country experiences and is ...
    • Scholars and Preachers 

      Dore, Ronald (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY If it is naive to think that scholarly analysis of policy means can be easily divorced from evaluative preaching about its ends, it is sloppy not even to try to make the distinction. But few people in the development ...
    • Basic Needs and its Critics 

      Ghai, Dharam (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY This article considers the validity of some of the recent criticisms that have been levelled against the basic needs approach to development. These include the allegations that the approach lacks scientific rigour; ...
    • Exclusive Needs, Inclusive Services 

      Schaffer, Bernard (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY The crucial question in realising basic needs strategies concerns the effort to include those areas, peoples and their requirements which tend to be excluded from the existing benefits of growth, and especially ...
    • Basic Needs in the Competitive Economy 

      Bienefeld, Manfred (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY This paper argues that the view of basic needs deficiencies as a residual problem largely affecting those not yet fortunate enough to be incorporated within the modern economy is highly misleading. It suggests ...
    • The Satisfaction of Basic Educational Needs 

      Colclough, Christopher (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY Formal education systems in poor countries are typically expensive and exclusive. A small proportion of children receive a disproportionate share of their benefits. Attention is slightly shifting towards making ...
    • Subsidies and Basic Needs 

      Selwyn, Percy (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY The paper examines the case for subsidies as a means of helping to meet basic needs, as compared with the direct support of incomes. In general, subsidies are justifiable where markets do not work well, where ...
    • The Informal Sector and the World Economy: Notes on the Structure of Subsidised Labour 

      Portes, Alejandro (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY The informal sector in Third World cities was initially identified as the mechanism by which the poor managed to survive under adverse conditions. Subsequent studies showed how interdependent informal activities ...
    • Prospects for a Basic Needs Strategy: The Case of Kenya 

      Godfrey, Martin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1978)
      SUMMARY Implementation of the 1972 ILO report on Kenya, which might be regarded as the first ‘basic needs’ report, has been distinctly patchy, and the Kenyan economy is still at a crossroads as far as future strategy is ...
    • Project Planning and Macro Planning 

      Latimer, Hugh (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY Project appraisal methodologies have developed greatly during the last 15 years, and project planning is increasingly taking the place of macro?economic planning in the developing countries of the world. However, ...
    • On Project Appraisal and Appraisers: Editorial 

      Coulson, Andrew (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
    • Problems in the Use of World Prices in Social Cost?Benefit Analysis: Some Experiences from a Study in Pakistan 

      Weiss, John (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY A major development in Social Cost?Benefit Analysis has been the substitution of world market prices for domestic prices. It is argued that this procedure is superior to the use of average relationships, such as ...
    • Politics, Social Cost?Benefit Analysis and Planners 

      Potts, David (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY The paper explores some of the political assumptions implicit in the use of social cost?benefit analysis, and the role of economic planners using this analysis. It is argued that the recent emphasis on income ...
    • Extension and Credit in an Integrated Rural Development Project in Sierra Leone 

      Baird, Alec (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY This paper is concerned with the lack of attention to questions of organisation and management in the planning of a particular development project, but also suggests that such omissions are a common feature of ...
    • Cost?Benefit Analysis and Basic Needs 

      Veitch, Mike (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY Approaches towards national planning have undergone considerable changes in recent years, from emphasis on growth to a greater concern for the distribution of income and towards planning to meet basic needs. ...
    • Ex?post Evaluation and Sectoral Policy, with particular reference to Dairy Development in Nigeria 

      Wilson, Frank A. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY Ex?post studies of projects are increasingly being commissioned as an aid to better understanding of project performance. Such studies are particularly called for where a number of separate agencies and analysts ...
    • The Silo Project 

      Coulson, Andrew (Institute of Development Studies, 01/08/1978)
      SUMMARY The paper is a summary of the negotiations which led to the choice of a particularly unfortunate project in Tanzania, and a commentary of them. The project was for ‘modern silos’ even though economic analysis ...