Now showing items 221-240 of 380

    • Heart without Mind: A review of Five Minutes to Midnight. Director: Alan Hart. 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1975)
    • A Message from the Secretary General of UNCTAD 

      Corea, Gamani (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
    • Editorial 

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
    • The New International Economic Order— what's in it for the rich? 

      Jolly, Richard (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Improvement of the international economic order must come from negotiations, not shotgun demands. These are areas of shared interest between the developing and the industrialised countries. The current recession ...
    • Policies, Politics and Positions 

      Hart, Judith (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY British representation at international conferences is usually a matter of a carefully prepared brief worked out by, and presented by, an interdepartmental team of officials, perhaps headed for the first few days ...
    • A New Look at the Three World Classification 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY ‘Centrally planned’, ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ is not, now, as useful a classification of countries as it was a decade ago when it was believed that developing countries could become rich and modern fairly ...
    • Euthenasia, Birth Control or Planned Parenthood: Reflections on International Organisations and the Quest for NIEO 

      Green, Reginald Herbold (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Various attempts have been made to reconstruct the UN system. Three kinds of institutional development are necessary to further the quest for a New International Economic Order: A permanent secretariat for the ...
    • An OECD for the Third World 

      Helleiner, G. K. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Periodic resolution?passing conferences can educate, legitimize, set the stage for, and sometimes stimulate the process of detailed bargaining and consultation which alone can make progress towards improved ...
    • How to Strengthen Co?operation among Developing Countries 

      Callan, Joseph (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
    • How to Strengthen Co?operation among Developing Countries 

      Streeten, Paul (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Solidarity among developing countries is an important condition for the joint exercise of bargaining power. Such solidarity is difficult in the case of producer cartels since the more effective they are, the greater ...
    • Notes on Lessons from the Tin Agreement 

      Fortin, Carlos (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY The Tin Agreement is generally regarded as successful, but it has basic limitations as recent difficulties have shown. It has been fairly successful in smoothing out short?term fluctuations in the price curve, and ...
    • The Preconditions for Producer Power: the OPEC Example 

      Maull, Hanns (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY OPEC's success in raising oil prices has very special ingredients—the high degree of producer dependence, the high cost of stock piling and limited possibilities of substitution or re?cycling, the producers' control ...
    • The Preconditions for Producer Power: Comments 

      Page, William (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Hanns Maull's preconditions for producer power may be rephrased under three heads producers' oligopolistic power in the market, the countervailing power of consumers, and the producers' degree of political unity. ...
    • Indexation: Some Problems 

      Hone, Angus (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY Indexation and export?earning stabilisation schemes face an overwhelming difficulty—the variety in the trade structures of the developing world. An oil/manufactured goods link would do nothing to guarantee the ...
    • Beyond Commodity Policy: Structural Changes and Financial Compensation 

      Singer, H. W. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
      SUMMARY The concentration of recent discussion on Commodity Agreements neglects two other approaches to the reform of trade patterns—the structural approach (shifting the distribution of the gains from trade by changes ...
    • A Straw Poll 

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/05/1976)
    • The Limits of Planning 

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1976)
    • Improving the Effectiveness of Evaluation in Rural Development Projects 

      Kinsey, B. H. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1976)
      SUMMARY Built?in project evaluation units can do much to improve the design and implementation of rural development projects if types of information required are unambiguously specified by aid agencies, governments and ...
    • Appropriate Methodology for Development Research 

      Belshaw, D. G. R. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1976)
      SUMMARY A research?planning?development sequence model in an agricultural sector is outlined. Applied development studies research in Eastern Africa is examined to see the extent to which applied research does not yield ...
    • The Limits to Health Care Planning 

      Heller, Tom (Institute of Development Studies, 01/07/1976)
      SUMMARY Health care is not a ‘thing’ to be ‘delivered’ to other people. Current approaches to health care planning in many countries are criticized. The lessons that could be derived from the Chinese model are reviewed ...