Now showing items 1-20 of 380

    • Test IDSB Volume 5, Issues 2-3 

      Test, Test (Institute of Development Studies, 2024)
      Test text here.
    • Editorial: Income Distribution and the Class Struggle 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      Income distribution is a confusing term. What scope is it to be given? Is it to be treated in a purely economic sense, bringing in social and political factors only when they are found to be useful for or obstacles to ...
    • What types of government should be refused what types of aid? 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      The defiant gesture of the US Senate in drastically amending the Administration's aid bill, because (inter alia) some liberal Senators had become disillusioned at the persistence of aid to military dictatorships, has given ...
    • From what types of government should poor countries accept what types of Aid? 

      Byres, Terry (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      Two broad approaches are possible in commenting upon Dudley Seers's paper. One can accept the terms of his argument and discuss his facts, his logic and his conclusions; or one can reject the basis of his position, dispute ...
    • Who uses Aid for what? 

      White, John (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      Except for making the rather uninteresting observation that the developed countries sometimes, or often, use what they call 'aid' as an instrument of foreign policy, aid agencies tend to turn a blind eye to the political ...
    • Towards Long-Term Cooperation 

      Gorse, Georges (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      In assessing the criteria for deciding when aid should be granted - or refused - to countries where government policies contradict the economic and social prerequisites of development, Dudley Seers is right to stress the ...
    • Health Services in China 

      Rifkin, Susan B. (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      In the face of the adverse condition of overpopulation, limited resources and technological backwardness shared by the developing nations, at least one country, the People's Republic of China, is attempting to devise a ...
    • Innovation in a Choice of Techniques Context: The Chinese Experience, 1958-1970 

      Dean, Genevieve C. (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      Economic development in the People's Republic of China has been predicated on the basis of "technological dualism": the use of both modern, imported, large-scale, capital-intensive industrial technologies and of traditional, ...
    • Chinese Real Output 1950-1970 

      Healey, Derek T. (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      The most discouraging aspect of any attempt to examine the economic development of China is the lack of any long-term series of basic data. There are, of course, a number of studies [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] which include valuable ...
    • A Report on the Lima Meeting of the "Group of 77" 

      Wright, James (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      As the readers of this Bulletin know, the Group of 77 was formed at the time of the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1964 as a vast lobby or pressure group to present a united phalanx ...
    • Report on the ODEPLAN/IDS Roundtable: La Via Chilena 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 1972-03-01)
      At the invitation of the Chilean Government, IDS, in cooperation with the Chilean National Planning office (ODEPLAN) organised a round table conference on "The Chilean Road to Socialism", held in Santiago from 23 March - ...
    • Editorial 

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1968)
    • Towards a General Preference System 

      Wall, David (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1968)
    • From Colonial Economics to Development Studies 

      Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1968)
    • The Scrutable East 

      Balogh, Thomas (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1968)
    • IDS News 

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/06/1968)

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1968)

      Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1968)

      Schaffer, Bernard (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1968)

      Apter, David E. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/10/1968)