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dc.contributor.authorChambers, Robert
dc.contributor.authorBelshaw, Deryke
dc.identifier.citationChambers, R. & Belshaw, D., 1973. PIM: A Practical Management System for Implementing Rural Development Programmes and Projects, Discussion Paper 162, Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobien_GB
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the origins and operation of a management system for implementing rural development programmes and projects. The system has been developed from elements from several sources, including network analysis, Management by Objectives, and the Malaysian Red Book system. Simplifications have been continually introduced during testing. Independent evaluations of the system have found that it sharpens government implementation of projects and programmes in rural areas. The system has three main parts: an Annual Programming Exercise in which those responsible for implementation jointly plan how it shall be carried out; a Monthly Management Meeting which receives reports on progress and decides on who shall do what, how and by when; and a Monthly Management Report, distributed to those whose action is required, sent out shortly after the meeting. The system has operated in the Kenya Special Rural Development Programme for eighteen months. With minor adaptation it appears replicable within Kenya in connection with district planning. In Kenya and in other countries, it could be used to improve implementation of a wide variety of rural development programmes and projects. It might be particularly effective in Tanzania as a system for operation by the District Development Directors.en_GB
dc.publisherInstitute for Development Studies, University of Nairobien_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDiscussion Papers;162
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten_GB
dc.titlePIM: a practical management system for implementing rural development programmes and projectsen_GB
dc.typeSeries paper (non-IDS)en_GB

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  • The Robert Chambers Archive [415]
    A complete bibliography of Robert Chambers spanning four decades of research on participatory development.

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