posted on 2024-09-05, 23:16authored byGebru Tesfay Kide
The objective of this study was the factors that influence farmers’ choice of adaptation
measures and identifies adaptation methods to climate change in Ethiopia using Adwa
Woreda as a case study. The data was collected from 160 sample households using a survey
questionnaire and was analyzed using both descriptive statistics and econometric methods.
Multinomial logit model (MNL) was used to identify factors influencing farmers’ choice of
adaptation strategies to climate change and variability.
The adaptation strategies considered in the MNL model analysis were crop variety, improve
crop and livestock, soil and water conservation practices and irrigation. The result from the
multinomial logit analysis showed that age, family size, farm income, farm size, distance to
the farm, distance to the market, access to credit, livestock holding (TLU), farm to farm
extension and access to climate information are significance factors influencing to farmers’
adaptation strategies. The basic barriers to climate change adaptation on the farmers’ side
are luck of knowledge, lack of capital, lack of sufficient land and luck of information.
Therefore, future policy should focus on awareness creation on climate change to adaptation
through different ways such as mass media and extensions, encouraging informal social networks,
improving the availability of credit and enhancing research on use of new crop
varieties are more suited in different agro ecological zones.
Mekelle University
Kide Gebru Tesfay (2014) Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Ethiopia: Evidence from Adwa Woreda of Tigray Region, Thesis. Mekelle: MU.