The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations

Motivational status and Its determinants with impact on commitment in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia

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posted on 2024-09-06, 05:52 authored by Abera Jalata
Motivation is a process that results from the dynamic interactions between individuals, their work environment and society. Low motivation leads to the insufficient translation of knowledge, the under utilization of available resources and weak health system performance. Health care has sector-wide norms and goals, and worker's motivation is of critical importance. The objective of this study was to assess the status of motivation, its determinants with their impact on health care professionals in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Oromia Regional state, south west Ethiopia. Institution based cross sectional study design with quantitative data collection method was conducted among 248 health care professionals from February to May 2014. A pre-tested self administered structured questionnaire was employed to obtain the necessary information. Data were entered by Epi Data 3.1, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS 16.0 statistical packages. Factor scores were computed for the items' scale by using principal component and varimax rotation, and were used in the subsequent analysis. Multiple Linear Regressions were done to evaluate association of different variables of motivation and commitment. The P-value < 0.05, at 95% CI was taken as cut off point for statistical significance. Approval was obtained from Ethical Committee of Jimma University, College of Business and Economics College. A total of two hundred forty eight health professionals filled the self administered questionnaire with response rate of 1OO%. The result showed that motivational status and commitment level of health care professionals were low (45.74% and 47.48% respectively). The major factors significantly associated with their motivation and commitment was salary and benefits, expectation and perception, infrastructure and facility. In conclusion, the study indicated that motivation status and commitment of health care professionals in the hospital were low. Among factors affecting their motivation status were salary and benefit, expectations and perception, shortages of facilities, infrastructures, sanitation, absence of recognition and appreciation, and as a result, their commitment level was affected. It was recommended that specific human resource motivation policy and practices, creating self motivating environment in the hospital, good management system, improving facility resources, supplies and infrastructures must be in place so as to improve the health professionals' motivation in the hospital. Key words: Motivation, Health Care Professionals, Jimma University Specialized Hospital


Jimma University



Jimma University


Jalata, A. (2014) Motivational status and Its determinants with impact on commitment in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia. Jimma University 71. Jimma: Jimma University.

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