The Odisha State Policy for Girls and Women (2014) is a comprehensive document that seeks to create a state where girls and women are equal partners in development. It specifically focuses on: health and well-being, through ensuring survival, health and nutrition; and equal opportunities in all spheres of life, through livelihood support and promotion apart from equal opportunities for participation and leadership in all spheres of life. There are seven focus areas that provide a framework for operationalisation. They are: i) Survival, Health and Nutrition, ii) Education, iii) Livelihood, iv) Asset Ownership, v) Decision
making, Participation and Political representation, vi) Safety, Security and Protection and vii) Girls and Women with special needs. This Brief discusses the State Policy and makes recommendations for action.
Department for International Development, UK Government
Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia
Rao, N. (2017) Women in Agriculture and Nutrition in Odisha, India, LANSA Policy Brief 2017 9, Brighton: LANSA
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Series paper (non-IDS)
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Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)