There and Back Again: The Making of Uganda’s Mobile Money Tax || Un aller-retour : La création de la taxe sur les transactions financières par téléphone mobile en Ouganda
posted on 2024-09-05, 21:17authored byAdrienne Lees, Doris Akol
Mobile money is widely seen as a powerful tool for enhancing
financial inclusion and, potentially, improving the economic
well-being of the poor. As the mobile money sector, and its
turnover, have grown, certain governments have increasingly
viewed mobile money transactions as a potentially convenient
tax handle. The resulting tax measures are often controversial
and draw sharp criticism from those who fear that they will
undermine the growth of digital financial services.
The case study of Uganda highlights
an interesting example of this trend and
demonstrates the importance of careful
tax policy design. In early 2018, there
was a consensus that Uganda’s tax effort
remained some way below its revenue
potential, and there was pressure to find
new revenue sources. In July 2018, the
government introduced an especially
contentious new tax of 1 per cent on the
value of all mobile money transactions,
one of several excise duty amendments
designed to increase revenue from the
telecommunications and financial sectors. After widespread
public outcry and significant implementation challenges, the
tax was amended in November 2018 to apply only to mobile
money withdrawals at a rate of 0.5 per cent.
La transaction financière par téléphone mobile (Mobile money)
est largement considérée comme un outil puissant pour renforcer
l’inclusion financière et, potentiellement, améliorer le bien-être
économique des personnes démunies. Au fur et à mesure que
le secteur du mobile money et son chiffre d’affaires se sont
développés, certains gouvernements ont progressivement
considéré les transactions par mobile money comme un moyen
potentiellement pratique pour gérer les taxes. Cela dit, les mesures
fiscales qui en découlent sont souvent controversées et suscitent
de vives critiques de la part de ceux qui craignent qu’elles ne
compromettent la croissance des services financiers numériques
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Institute of Development Studies
Lees, A. and Akol, D. (2021) 'There and Back Again: The Making of Uganda’s Mobile Money Tax', ICTD Research in Brief 72, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies