The paper undertakes a detailed mapping out of the sectoral system
of innovation of India's pharmaceutical industry. The industry is one of
the most innovative industries in the Indian manufacturing sector. The
innovation system of the industry has three strong pillars: very pro active
government policy regime especially with respect to intellectual property
right, strong government research institutes and private sector enterprises
which have invested in innovation. The TRIPS compliance of the
intellectual property right regime making it mandatory for pharmaceutical
products to be patented has not reduced the innovation capability of the
industry although it has not made them work on R&D projects that may
lead to the discovery of drugs for neglected diseases of the developing
world. Although the innovation system has the capability to develop
new chemical entities the two main components of the innovation system,
namely the enterprises and the Government Research Institutes does not
appear to be having all the requisite capabilities to bring a new drug to
the market. Although the state has been very proactive with respect to
this industry, this is an area where public policy support is still required.
Key words: Sectoral system of innovation, pharmaceutical industry,
TRIPS, innovation
JEL Classification: O31, O34 and O38
Centre for Development Studies
Mani, Sunil (2006) The sectoral system of innovation of Indian pharmaceutical industry. CDS working papers, no.382. Trivandrum: CDS.