posted on 2024-09-05, 22:51authored byGrace Ongile
This paper addresses the effects of structural adjustment policies on
women's access to employment opportunities. Structural adjustment policies
affect women differently in their various roles :n development. Women face
various constraints on the choice cf participating in the labour force.
These constraints include level of education, marital status, family and
household responsibilities, availability of support services, policies,
historical factors, laws and cultura: attitudes.
This paper argue.:, that structural adjustment policies are likely to
negatively affect the employment position cf women. First, retrenchment
has affected mainly sectors where women are concentrated like: social,
personal and community services, finance, real estate and business
services. Second, the public sector which has been an employer of the last
resort will have very few new jobs during structural adjustment period.
Women are likely to be affected because of their low levels of education.
Third, women will join the informal sector in large numbers due to
retrenchment arid liberalization policies.
Policymakers face the challenge of creating policies addressing the
issue of effects of structural adjustment policies on women's access to
employment opportunities in Kenya. This is important given the role women
play in development.
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Ongile, Grace (1992), The effects of structural adjustment policies on women's access to employment opportunities, Working paper no. 488, Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Working papers 488
IDS Item Types
Series paper (non-IDS)
Copyright holder
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi