posted on 2024-09-05, 21:39authored bySophie Hickling
This issue of Frontiers of CLTS explores current thinking and practice on the topic of tackling slippage of open defecation free (ODF) status. It looks at how slippage is defined and identified, and at different patterns of slippage that are seen after ODF is declared. Although a considerable amount has been written on how to establish strong Community-Led Total
sanitation (CLTS) programmes that prevent slippage from happening, this issue looks at how to reverse slippage that has already taken place. Note however, that at a certain level,
strategies used to reverse slippage and those used in advance to set a programme up for success to prevent
slippage occurring overlap. From the literature, there is little
documented evidence on how slippage can be reversed; evidence and guidance tend to focus on prevention.
This review begins to address this gap. Implementers are encouraged to use the proposed patterns of slippage
framework and slippage factors section to understand the type and extent of slippage experienced, then use the examples in the section on tackling slippage to identify potential slippage responses. In addition to a review of current literature,1 in depth interviews were carried out with key informants at global, regional and country level. Key informants were selected purposively to identify experiences and innovations in tackling slippage from across the sector.
Ce numéro d’Aux Frontières de l’ATPC explore les courants de pensée et les pratiques actuelles à propos de la lutte contre la perte du statut de fin de défécation
à l’air libre (FDAL) ou régression. Il examine à quoi se reconnaît la régression, comment elle se définit et différents schémas de régression que l’on peut observer
une fois le statut FDAL décroché. Si beaucoup d’encre a coulé à propos du montage de programmes robustes d’Assainissement total piloté par la communauté (ATPC)
qui empêchent la régression, ce numéro examine comment inverser la regression lorsqu’elle s’est déjà produite. Il convient toutefois de noter qu’à un certain niveau, les stratégies utilisées pour inverser la
régression et celles utilisées au préalable pour mettre en place un programme visant à empêcher la régression se recoupent.
Esta edição de Fronteiras do CLTS explora o pensamento e a prática actuais sobre a questão de como lidar com o retrocesso do estatuto de Livre de Fecalismo a Céu Aberto (Open Defecation Free, ODF) para o Fecalismo a Céu Aberto (Open Defecation, OD). Aborda-se a questão da definição e da identificação do retrocesso e os diferentes padrões de retrocesso que se encontram após a declaração de ODF. Embora tenha sido produzida uma quantidade considerável de literatura sobre como criar programas sólidos de Saneamento Total Liderado pela Comunidade (Community-Led Total Sanitation, CLTS) que evitem o retrocesso, a presente edição aborda a questão de como reverter o retrocesso que já ocorreu. É de notar, no entanto, que, a um certo nível, há pontos comuns entre as estratégias usadas para reverter a retrocesso e as estratégias usadas à partida para conceber um programa bemsucedido que evite o retrocesso.
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Hickling, S. (2019) « Lutter contre la régression », Aux Frontières de l’ATPC : Innovations et Impressions 14, Brighton : IDS
Hickling, S. (2019) ‘Tackling Slippage’, Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 14 Brighton: IDS
Hickling, S. (2019) “Enfrentar o retrocesso”, Fronteiras do CLTS: Inovações e ideias 14, Brighton: IDS