The purpose of this paper is to raise some issues relating
to the general state and organisation of social science research
on development in Africa, The main centres of social science
research are the university departments, research institutes and
government ministries. There is a brief discussion of the strengths
and weaknesses of these centres. This is followed by a discussion
of the structural arrangements and disciplinary and area
specialisation of research institutes in Africa. Among the main
problem areas which have engaged the attention of social scientists
in recent years are rural, development, education, industrialisation,
regional, integration, employment, migration and population. The
neglected areas include international economic problems, relationship
between patterns of development and distribution of economic welfare
and decision-making processes in the public sector. It is further
argued that the dominant methodology in development research suffers
from some, important weaknesses. There is then a discussion of the
impact of research on. policy and some proposals are made for a more
effective utilisation of research findings.
Staff development is identified as the single most important
need of research institutes in Africa, This leads to a discussion
of the role of external research communities and agencies in
strengthening African research institutes. The final section of the
paper attempts to illustrate some of the general points made in the
earlier discussion by reference to the rural, development research
conducted in recent years at the Institute for Development Studies,
University of Nairobi.
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Ghai, Dharam. (1974) Social science research on development and research institutes in Africa. Discussion Paper 197, Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Discussion Papers 197
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Series paper (non-IDS)
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Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi