The small-scale fisheries sector is the oldest and most important
part of the marine fisheries economy of the world. Being a relative term,
small-scale operations exist in most maritime nations. This is particularly
true of the developing maritime countries where the small-scale sector
normally accounts for the largest employment and a significant share of
the fishery output. The future of the fisheries sectors in these countries
will depend significantly on the manner in which their small-scale
fisheries fare in the coming decades. One important factor determining
this future is the nature and the impact which the recent new phase of
globalisation of the world economy will have on this evolution.
Taking a perspective from the developing Asian context, this paper
first attempts to characterise the small-scale sector; provide an explanation
for its continued resilience; examines some dimensions of the impact of
the new globalisation on the sector; and provides a framework for
suggesting some institutional arrangements and programmes of action
to ensure its secure future.
JEL Classification: FO2, O13, Q22
Key Words: small-scale fisheries; globalisation; crafting institutions;
triadic network of community-state-market; aquarian
reform; technology blending; resource co-management;
support-oriented research
Centre for Development Studies
Kurien, John (1998) Small-scale fisheries in the context of globalisation. CDS working papers series, 289. Trivandrum: CDS.