The Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) Senior International Associate programme had a very successful first
year. The first two Associates are both highly experienced analysts of health and
social policy. Rômulo Paes de Sousa is an expert in monitoring and evaluation and
has had long experience of working on targeted cash transfers and on health system
development. In this report, an outline of the experiences and achievements of each RPID Senior International Associate follows a general discussion of the programme.
Dr. Paes de Sousa was selected because of his wide experience as both a policy analyst and policymaker in Brazil’s social protection and health sectors. His experience as a Deputy Minister for Social Development and the Fight Against Hunger has made him uniquely equipped to provide support and advice for the creation of a programme of activities that involves both policy analysts and policymakers. Dr. Paes de Sousa is also a member of the Advisory Council for the RPID Programme.
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Bloom, G. (2013) 'Senior Development Fellowship Report (Rômulo Paes de Sousa)', IDS Evidence Report 19, Brighton: IDS