The paper utilizes qualitative data to expand our understanding of
the nature and dynamics of rural poverty. It is based on data from key
informant interviews, focus group discussions and household case studies
collected in two kebele administrations in Tarmaber wereda of North
Shewa, one in the woina dega agro-ecological zone and the other in the
dega zone.
The qualitative approach undertaken in this study goes beyond
measurements of incomes and expenditures in assessing poverty to
characterize the significance of varying levels of access to key production
assets for household economic status, the nature of poverty in a specific
context, and the attributes of locally relevant economic categories of
households. The process-oriented approach to poverty provides a fuller
and more accurate assessment of the factors explaining why households
fall into poverty. It also shows how consideration of the 'active' and
subjective aspects of various peasant livelihood strategies brings out the
potential of and constraints on each of them. Furthermore, it
demonstrates that social phenomena such as networks of mutual
assistance, resource exchanges, the social development and adaptive
changes in the structure of households, which are best studied through
qualitative methods, have significant implications for household economic
prospects and patterns of rural poverty. Finally, peasant perceptions and
experiences of various government development interventions and
institutions are considered in assessing their potential and shortcomings
in terms of poverty reduction.
Forum for Social Studies
Yared Amare (2002), Rural poverty in Ethiopia: household case studies from North Shewa, Discussion Paper 9, Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies