Civil Society Organisations from the BRICS countries and Mexico
are leading a huge range of South-South Development Cooperation (SSDC)
initiatives. New research shows how these initiatives are promoting social
accountability, supporting post-disaster reconstruction and effectively sharing
rural and urban development knowledge. Given this experience and expertise,
these organisations have a significant role to play in the post-2015 development
cooperation landscape as envisaged by the Global Partnership for Effective
Development Cooperation (GPEDC) and other global policy initiatives. However,
in order to realise this potential, more systematic documentation of the evidence
on the positive impacts of their SSDC efforts is required as well as greater
recognition by traditional donors, rising power country governments and fora
such as the GPEDC of the important role that these organisations can play in
shaping a more global approach to international development policy and practice.
UK Department for International Development
Moilwa, T. (2015) 'Realising the Potential of Civil Society-led South-South Development Cooperation', IDS Policy Briefing 84, Brighton: IDS