Price and marketing controls in Kenya: Papers presented at a workshop held at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Nairobi, 26-29 March 1979
The papers presented here were prepared for a Workshop on Price
and Marketing Controls in Kenya, held at the Institute for Development
Studies from 26 to 29 March 1979. The purpose of the workshop was to evaluate
price and marketing controls in Kenya, and bring together parties influencing
and/or affected by the price and marketing control policies.
The first part of the workshop was devoted to a search for a
theoretical framework for analysing price and marketing controls, including
illegal activities which frustrate the objectives of those policies. A
paper by the Central Bureau of Statistics outlines consumer price data
collection in rural and urban areas and how price controls affect the accuracy
of the cost of living indices. Position papers from the Trade Onion movement,
the manufacturers' association, the Kenya Consumers' Organisation and the
Chamber of Commerce show the conflict of interests and diversity of views on
price and marketing control policy. Other papers cover domestic price effects
of industrial protection, an evaluation of the role and performance of
marketing boards, and price control on manufactures, milk, maize, meat, wages,
and rents. The introduction to the workshop papers outlines the theme
emerging from the papers and the policy implications, and draws heavily from
the discussion in the workshop.
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Mukui, J. T. (1979) Price and marketing controls in Kenya: Papers presented at a workshop held at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Nairobi, 26-29 March 1979. Occasional Paper 32, Nairobi: Institution for Development, University of Nairobi
Occasional Paper 32
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Series paper (non-IDS)
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Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi