Multiple Environmental Shocks Impacting Livelihoods and Food Security in Nyangatom, the Lower Omo, Ethiopia
posted on 2024-10-04, 13:39authored byJennifer Hodbod, David-Paul Pertaub, Fana Gebresenbet, Edward G. J. Stevenson, Kristofer Chan, Mercy Fekadu Muluget, Emma J. Tebbs
This briefing note presents preliminary results from the research project ‘Shifting In/equality Dynamics in Ethiopia: from Research to Application’ (SIDERA), which aims to understand the links between envi-ronmental change, poverty, and conflict in the Lower Omo. We are sharing our preliminary findings ahead of formal publication due to the urgent nature of the situation on the ground. A set of recommendations are proposed at the end of this briefing.
Tebbs, E., Hodbod, J., Pertaub, D-P., Gebresenbet, F., Stevenson, E.G.J., Chan, K. and Mulugeta, M.F. (2019). Multiple environmental shocks impacting livelihoods and food security in Nyangatom, the Lower Omo, Ethiopia (Briefing Note #2). In Omo-Turkana Research Network Briefing Notes, edited by J. Hodbod & E.G.J. Stevenson. East Lansing, MI: OTuRN