The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations

Local Government Leadership in Sanitation and Hygiene: Experiences and Learnings from West Africa || Le leadership des autorités locales en matière d'assainissement et d'hygiène : expériences et apprentissage de l'Afrique de l'Ouest || A liderança governamental local em saneamento e higiene: experiências e aprendizagens da África Ocidental

posted on 2024-09-05, 21:58 authored by Gian Melloni
Between July and October 2021, the Sanitation Learning Hub worked with government representatives and development partners to develop, share, and cross-analyse case studies looking at local system and government strengthening in four local government areas across West Africa: Benin (N’Dali commune), Ghana (Yendi municipal district), Guinea (Molota commune), and Nigeria (Logo LGA). The initiative focused on examples of local leadership in sanitation and hygiene (S&H), with case studies developed in collaboration with development partners (Helvetas in Benin, UNICEF in Ghana and Guinea, United Purpose in Nigeria) and the local governments they partner with. The goal was to cross-analyse examples of local government leadership in S&H, looking at what led to the prioritisation of S&H, and identifying commonalities and transferable knowledge through a participatory cross-learning process. The case studies identified positive change occurred in local government leadership in S&H, and analysed the contributions to change, via document review, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. This learning brief shares the learnings and recommendations that emerged from the case studies and through the three participatory workshops that followed.

Entre juillet et octobre 2021, la Sanitation Learning Hub a travaillé avec des représentants des pouvoirs publics et des partenaires de développement pour mettre au point, diffuser et analyser des études de cas qui se penchaient sur le renforcement des autorités et des systèmes locaux dans quatre zones locales à travers l’Afrique de l’Ouest : au Bénin (commune de N’Dali), au Ghana (district municipal de Yendi), en Guinée (commune de Molota) et au Nigéria (circonscription de Logo). Cette note d’apprentissage partage les leçons apprises et les recommandations dégagés des études de cas et des trois ateliers participatifs qui ont suivi. Une version initiale de cette note a été révisée par les participants à l’initiative. Les premières sections décrivent les principales parties prenantes et les actions des autorités locales en matière d’HA ; ensuite l’étude se concentre sur les leviers et les obstacles au changement, avant de formuler des recommandations.

Entre Julho e Outubro de 2021, o Sanitation Learning Hub (Centro de Aprendizagem do Saneamento) trabalhou com representantes governamentais e parceiros de desenvolvimento, no sentido de desenvolver, partilhar e analisar transversalmente estudos de caso, analisando o sistema local e o reforço do governo em quatro áreas de governo local na África Ocidental: Benim (comuna de N'Dali), Gana (distrito municipal de Yendi), República da Guiné (comuna de Molota), e Nigéria (Área de Governo Local [LGA] de Logo). Esta nota de reflexão divulga as aprendizagens e recomendações que surgiram dos estudos de caso e dos três workshops participativos que se seguiram. Os participantes na iniciativa fizeram uma revisão da primeira versão da presente nota de reflexão. As primeiras secções descrevem as principais partes interessadas e quais as acções do governo local em S&H, enquanto as últimas secções focam os factores de promoção de mudança e obstáculos à mudança, e as recomendações.


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency



Institute of Development Studies


Melloni. G (2022) « Le leadership des autorités locales en matière d'assainissement et d'hygiène : expériences et apprentissage de l'Afrique de l'Ouest » , Note d’apprentissage 11 de la SLH, Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton : IDS. DOI: Melloni, G. (2022) ‘Local government leadership in sanitation and hygiene: experiences and learnings from West Africa’, SLH Learning Brief 11, The Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI 10.19088/SLH.2022.001 Melloni. G. (2022) "A liderança governamental local em saneamento e higiene: experiências e aprendizagens da África Ocidental", SLH Learning Brief 11, The Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton: IDS,DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2022.010


SLH Learning Brief 11


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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Institute of Development Studies


Guinea; Ghana; Nigeria; Benin



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Participation Power and Social Change

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