The purpose of the paper is to present labour/land coefficients for small farms by enterprise computed from the Ministry of Finance and Planning Farm Enterprise Cost Survey for 1970/71 and to demonstrate the usefulness of these coefficients in national, district, and farm planning.
Three computer programmes developed specifically for analysis of the EECS labour and wage data are described, the implications of the findings in relation to the operation of agricultural labour markets are discussed, aggregate crop labour profiles for sixteen districts are presented, and suggestions for further work are made.
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Gwyer, G. D. (1972) Labour in small scale agriculture: an analysis of the 1970/71 farm enterprise cost survey labour and wage data. Working Paper 62, Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Working papers. 62
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Series paper (non-IDS)
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Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi