Intersecting Exclusion in Digital Cash and Voucher Assistance in Nigeria
BASIC Research focuses on the intersection between social protection and humanitarian approaches in providing assistance in protracted crises. Digital systems can offer benefits in these contexts, but can also increase vulnerabilities. Delivering cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at scale using digital tools in challenging contexts is complex. A lack of digital and financial infrastructure, and the digital exclusion experienced by intended beneficiaries from marginalised communities, are critical issues.
This Policy Briefing looks at the different drivers of digitisation from the perspectives of aid recipients, humanitarian, and government actors in North East Nigeria. It explores the obstacles these actors face in delivering programmes in an inclusive and accountable way.
Institute of Development StudiesCitation
Faith, B. (2024) ‘Intersecting Exclusion in Digital Cash and Voucher Assistance in Nigeria’, BASIC Research Policy Briefing 4, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/BASIC.2024.021Series
BASIC Research Policy Briefing 4Version
- VoR (Version of Record)