There exists is a broad range of academic and grey literature that looks at non-conflict interventions and its impact on de-escalation of conflict and reduction of violence. There seems to be little in relation to the acceptance of negotiations. Of this literature there are a few studies of high quality, that demonstrate a clear connection between the intervention and reduction in violence or conflict. This report focuses on those studies and, in particular, those related to protracted conflict and involving local actors. The report aims to Identify literature which shows how non-conflict (eg. humanitarian, environmental) interventions have impacted on the de-escalation of conflict and acceptance of negotiations with focus on contexts of protracted, multi-actor conflicts and the role of local conflict actors. It entails a detailed summary of these studies, followed by an annotated bibliography of the studies.
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Institute of Development Studies
Rao, S. (2022). Impact of non-conflict interventions on de-escalation of conflict and acceptance of negotiations. K4D Helpdesk Report 1130. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2022.059