Monthly Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries aim to signpost FCDO and others to the latest relevant evidence and discourse on humanitarian action. It is structured around FCDO humanitarian framework themes:
Protect: Protect civilians, IDPs, refugees, marginalised groups including women and girls, and humanitarian access.
Prioritise: Prioritise effective humanitarian assistance to people in greatest need.
Prevent: Prevent and anticipate future shocks and rebuild resilience in protracted and recurring crises.
Further detail on methodology and scope at the end. Click on the hyperlinks to bring you to the relevant literature. We hope this is a useful resource and you can read all the articles produced by brilliant authors and organisations(!), but each month we also invite a guest to identify their five “star reads” from the wider list. This does not represent an organisational position or assessment of rigour, but rather a personal choice of published evidence, guidance or discourse that are of special interest or impact.
Institute of Development Studies
Kelly, L. (2024). Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summary November. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2025.004