There is now substantial empirical evidence, based essentially on
the experience of developed countries, that there is underinvestment in
industrial R&D consequent to the gradual withdrawal of the state. It is
generally observed that government can solve this problem of
underinvestment in two ways: by increasing the profits of innovators, or
by undertaking R&D in areas where the private sector underinvests. An
examination of the nature of government intervention in developed
countries show that it is increasingly moving towards the latter variety.
However, contrary to normal impression, the extent of government
intervention in industrial R&D in India is of the former variety. The
state has been using tax incentives as the major instrument for stimulating
R&D by production enterprises. Direct grants, which has become the
dominant instrument of intervention in the west, is considered to be
better as it can be targeted towards specific projects. In fact the efficacy
of tax incentives to encourage R&D requires further scrutiny. The state
in India also have to intervene for making available technically trained
manpower to engage in industrial R&D radically redesigning the higher
education system, by improving the incentive system for those working
in the R&D system etc. The paper thus underscores the fact that there is
enough space for the Indian state to increase its interventionist role in
industrial research contrary to the arguments for its gradual withdrawal.
JEL Classification: O32, O38
Key Words: appropriability, government intervention, industrial R&D
system, technology policy.
Centre for Development Studies
Mani, Sunil (1997) Government intervention in industrial R&D : some lessons from the international experience for India. CDS working papers series, 281. Trivandrum: CDS.