External Evaluation of Mobile Phone Technology-Based Nutrition and Agriculture Advisory Services in Africa: Mobile Phones, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Ghana: Qualitative Follow-Up Study Report
mNutrition is a global initiative supported by the UK Department for International Development, (DFID), organised by Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association (GSMA), and implemented by in-country MNOs and third-party providers. It aims to use mobile technology to improve the health and nutritional status of children and adults in the developing world. The potential to utilise mobile technology to change attitudes, knowledge, behaviours, and practices around health and agriculture for improved nutritional status has been recognised for some time, but to date there have been no rigorous evaluations of m-services at scale. A consortium of researchers from Gamos, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) have been contracted to conduct a rigorous mixed-methods evaluation to estimate the impact of two mNutrition services on children and adults, and to clarify how the context and the components of the mNutrition interventions shape their impact.
Department for International Development
Barnett. I.; Faith, B.; Mitchell, B. and Sefa-Nyarko, C. (2019) External Evaluation of Mobile Phone Technology-Based Nutrition and Agriculture Advisory Services in Africa: Mobile Phones, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Ghana: Qualitative Follow-Up Study Report, Brighton: IDS
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Series paper (non-IDS)
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External evaluation of mobile phone technology based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Africa and South Asia (mNutrition)::417282f8-10a9-42e1-9fb8-98ed18297269::600