Development and Piloting of a Tool for Conducting Political Economy Analysis of Agrifood Systems and Food Security and Nutrition Policies and Programmes, Technical Report
In December 2021, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) signed a letter of agreement to undertake the development and piloting of a tool for conducting political economy analysis of agrifood systems and food security and nutrition policies and programmes, with a focus on the implementation of policies and programmes for the most vulnerable populations. This technical report brings together a number of individual elements of the resulting project: (1) a literature review of existing research and applied political economy analysis (PEA) on food security and nutrition (FSN), designed to help select an appropriate conceptual framework for the piloting of the tool; (2) a full version of the PEA tool, with guidance notes; (3) results of a pilot of the tool in three different country contexts (Nigeria, Pakistan and Indonesia); and (4) conclusions on the utility of the tool and recommended next steps.