The purpose of this paper is to discuss and to make certain critical observations on wage problems and related matters in Rhodesia and Zambia.2 For purposes of this discussion, I shall draw partly from my own research and partly from my direct experience in discussions of matters of wage rates and earnings, trade union wage claims, the machinery for wage determinations and also wages policy.3
Labour and wage statistics providing information on wages and employment are contained in several official documents which are designed to serve different purposes. In Rhodesia the Industrial Conciliation Act of 1959 mentions only rates of wages in the sense of minimum rate per hour or the minimum average rate of renumeration per hour to be paid by an employer to his employees and apprentices in an undertaking, industry, trade or occupation.
A RJE discussion paper on the problems of wages and incomes in the Zambian and (the then) Rhodesian economies.
Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.)
Ngcobo, S.B. (1968) Current Wage Problems in Rhodesia and Zambia. The Rhodesian Journal of Economics (RJE), vol. 2, no.2, (pp. 5-22). UZ (formerly University College Rhodesia), Harare (formerly Salisbury): RES.
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University of Zimbabwe (UZ) (formerly University College of Rhodesia)