posted on 2024-09-06, 07:39authored byUttam Deb, Abdul Bayes
Does crop diversity contribute toward dietary diversity and nutritional status of rural households in Bangladesh? The present study tries to answer this question. It has analysed panel household survey data collected from 500 households by ICRISAT and IRRI (2010/11 to 2014/15) under the Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) project to examine the relationship between crop diversity, dietary diversity and nutritional status. Diversity in crop production has been estimated through the number of crops grown as also using Simpson’s Diversity Index. The study has quantified the level of food intake, dietary diversity and nutritional status of each of the members of all the sample households. Fixed effect panel data regression analysis has been carried out to assess the contribution of relevant factors to diversity in crop production and dietary diversity. Nutritional status of the household members has been examined using the Body Mass Index (BMI). Determinants of nutritional status for individual household members have been identified through panel data analysis. Finally, the study has articulated implications of the research findings for public investment, agricultural policies and nutritional programmes in Bangladesh.
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Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)
Deb, U. and Bayes, A. (2018) Diversity and Nutritional Outcome in Rural Bangladesh: Evidences from VDSA Panel Household Surveys, LANSA Working Paper Series Vol 2018 No.31, IDS: Brighton
LANSA Working Paper Series 2018 31
IDS Item Types
Series paper (non-IDS)
Copyright holder
Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)