The dialogue was divided into four sessions. First, a youth speaker, Subekshya Budha Magar, shared her experience of working as a co-researcher during the COVID-19 pandemic. After her presentation, the dialogue participants separated into break out groups were they shared their own experiences of working with children and youth through Covid-19. After returning to plenary, youth facilitators of each breakout room shared key points from their group discussions. Lastly, two discussants, Linda Theron and Hilde Deman situated the dialogue in international research and advocacy by presenting their global perspectives.
The series of REJUVENATE dialogues are intended to foster debate across a community of practice working on child and youth rights.
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Institute of Development Studies
Rejuvenate (2022) Child Rights: Through Covid and into Recovery - New and Changing Norms, Rejuvenate Dialogue 12 January 2022, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/REJUVENATE.2022.001