This paper first looks at the resource tenure and local governance contexts within which the CAMPFIRE programme is being implemented and associated institutional arrangements. This background is useful in the understanding of possible impacts of the proposed legislative changes on the programme and its thrust towards community based natural resource management. The paper will also look at related legislation before discussing the proposed Environment and Natural Resources Management Bill and how it will impact on the CAMPFIRE programme. Based on the research findings and conclusions, recommendations will be made on the way forward.
A Commissioned Study.
US Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Natural Resources Management Project (NRMP) Phase II.
Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) , University of Zimbabwe.
Moyo,M. (2000) CAMPFIRE; Policy Changes & Legislative Amendments - Programme Impact in the New Millennium, CASS Occasional Paper no. 104. Harare, Mt. Pleasant; CASS.
CASS Occasional Paper - NRM Series CPN 104 / 2000.