There is growing evidence that youth unemployment is becoming a bigger issue and challenge
than adult unemployment (Manpower group, 2012). While young labour participants and adult
participants can be affected by similar opportunities and barriers to work, youth may experience
these barriers to a greater degree and may also face additional constraints. This report explores
factors that constrain youth access to work opportunities in low-income countries. Most of the
literature focuses on Africa. While there are a few empirical studies, most of the literature is
based on qualitative analysis. Barriers to work opportunities identified include demand side
factors (economic constraints; labour market failures; poor access to credit) and supply side
factors (educational and skills mismatch; lack of social capital). They are cross-cut by social,
economic, and political biases against youth (Moore, 2015). Urban youth and female youth are
more likely to face obstacles in accessing work opportunities.
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Institute of Development Studies
Haider, H. (2016). Barriers to youth work opportunities (K4D Helpdesk Research Report). Birmingham, UK: GSDRC, University of Birmingham.