This briefing note explores conflict in the past 10 years in the Nyangatom Woreda of South Omo Zone, South-ern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ region, Ethiopia. The Nyangatom are one of the 16 ethnic groups indig-enous to the Zone. They are found at the southwest-ern corner of the Zone adjacent to two international boundaries with South Sudan and Kenya.The study is situated in a physical and political envi-ronment that has shown rapid change due to dam and large-scale agricultural projects. The Lower Omo witnessed rapid transformation over the past decade, following the construction of the Gilgel Gibe III dam, large sugar cane plantations, factories and other investments, along with some infrastructural and demographic change.
Gebresenbet, F., Mulugeta, M.F. and Tariku, Y. (2019). Violent Conflict Implications of Mega Projects in Nyangatom Woreda, Ethiopia (Briefing Note #5). In Omo-Turkana Research Network Briefing Notes, edited by J. Hodbod & E.G.J. Stevenson. East Lansing, MI: OTuRN