posted on 2024-09-05, 20:56authored byJerker Edström, Meriç Çağlar, Alan Greig
Despite a progressive legal framework and social and human resources policies aimed at benefiting women in Turkey, their labour force participation has remained low. International partners and financial institutions have increasingly focused on promoting an equal opportunities approach to employment and the economy, with a proactive focus on women’s inclusion and advancement. Female entrepreneurship has become seen as a solution to increasing women’s role in the economy, whilst the role of men has typically not been factored into this. An emerging body of research is revealing men’s changing expectations and experiences of shifting gender relations. While less authoritarian ideals of masculinity have evolved among certain groups of Turkish men in recent decades, many remain conflicted and unable to let go of the comforts and benefits of deeply embedded male privileges. This brief is based on a larger study (that also includes Egypt, Kazakhstan and Ukraine), which explores how transition in different countries has been experienced by different groups of men, and its impacts on gender relations. It aims to assist the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other stakeholders to consider ways of engaging men as agents of positive change for gender equality – alongside women and girls – as well as to complement women-focused projects and investments to enhance both the resilience of transitions and equality of opportunity.
Bu özet, farklı ülkelerdeki dönüşümün farklı erkek grupları tarafından nasıl deneyimlendiğini ve
bu dönüşümün toplumsal cinsiyet ilişkileri üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyen (ve Mısır, Kazakistan
ve Ukrayna'yı da kapsayan) daha büyük bir araştırmayı (Edström ve dig. 2019) temel almaktadır.
Araştırma, kadınlar ve kız çocuklarının yanı sıra, erkekleri de cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik olumlu
değişikliğin temsilcileri haline getirmenin yollarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Böylece hem
dönüşümün, hem de fırsat eşitliğinin direncini güçlendirmek amacıyla proje ve yatırımlarda kadınlara
yönelik müdahaleleri tamamlamaları konusunda Avrupa İmar ve Kalkınma Bankası'na (EBRD) ve
diğer paydaşlara yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir.
TaiwanBusiness EBRD TC Fund
Edström, J.; Çağlar, M. ve Greig, A. (2019) 'Türkiye'de Erkeklik ve Dönüşüm: Ülke Özeti', Brighton: Kalkınma Çalışmaları Enstitüsü
Edström, J. with Çağlar, M. and Greig, A. (2019) Masculinities and Transition in Turkey: Country Brief, Brighton: IDS
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Institute of Development Studies