the Institute of Development Studies and partner organisations
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool - Water for Women Fund and SLH.pdf (1.92 MB)
Gender_Equity_Social_Inclusion_Self_Assessment_Tool_FR_FINAL.pdf (1.53 MB)
Gender_Equality_Social_Inclusion_Self_Assessment_Tool_PT_FINAL.pdf (4.63 MB)
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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool || Outil d’autoévaluation sur l’égalité des genres et l’inclusion sociale || Ferramenta de auto-avaliação de Igualdade de Género e Inclusão Social

online resource
posted on 2024-09-05, 21:53 authored by Joanna Mott, Heather Brown, Di Kilsby, Emily Eller, Tshering Choden
The facilitated self-assessment provides the opportunity to discuss and reflect on current strengths and how to improve processes that drive positive change in GESI through your projects and organisation. It also provides an opportunity for your project and organisation to measure progress towards transformative practice and outcomes. It enables participants to identify strategies to strengthen gender equality/diversity and social inclusion, consider strategies to make change, and highlight opportunities for improvement within their work.

Ce guide s’adresse aux personnels des projets et organisations de recherche et de mise en œuvre dans le secteur de l’eau, l’assainissement et l’hygiène (WASH) qui sont résolument décidés à améliorer les pratiques en matière d’égalité des genres et d’inclusion sociale (GESI) dans leurs projets et leurs organisations. Il est destiné aux chargés de programme, aux conseillers GESI, aux chercheurs et aux membres du personnel de votre organisation désireux d’améliorer leurs pratiques en matière de GESI. Il détaille les rôles et les attributions du point de contact (PC), du facilitateur, des participants et des sympathisants du processus d’autoévaluation.

Este guia foi criado para o pessoal de implementação, projectos de investigação e organizações de WASH, que está empenhado em melhorar a prática de IGIS nos seus projectos e organizações. Destina-se a gestores de programas, assessores IGIS e investigadores de IGIS e qualquer membro do pessoal da sua organização interessado em melhorar a prática de IGIS. O guia detalha as funções e responsabilidades específicas do Ponto de Contacto (PC), do facilitador, dos participantes e auxiliares do processo de auto-avaliação.


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Water for Women Fund and Sanitation Learning Hub


Mott, J.; Brown, H.; Kilsby, D.; Eller, E. and Choden, T. (2021) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Self-Assessment Tool, Water for Women Fund and Sanitation Learning Hub, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2021.016 Mott, J.; Brown, H.; Kilsby, D.; Eller, E. e Choden, T. (2022) Ferramenta de auto-avaliação de Igualdade de Género e Inclusão Social, Water for Women Fund e Sanitation Learning Hub, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2022.021 Mott, J.; Brown, H.; Kilsby, D.; Eller, E. et Choden, T. (2022) Outil d’autoévaluation sur l’égalité des genres et l’inclusion sociale, Water for Women et The Sanitation Learning Hub, DOI : 10.19088/SLH.2022.013


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Water for Women Fund and Sanitation Learning Hub



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Participation Power and Social Change

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