The webinar organized by the OSSREA Kenyan Chapter with the help of Ms.
Ann Maua was designed to create awareness on the Covid- 19 and the Youth
Question in Africa (COYOQA) project that is ongoing since September 2020
to August 2023. The project is being funded by IDRC and it is being
conducted in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. The webinar was held via zoom
on the 1st of March, 2021 from 2pm-4pm EAT.
The webinar had 5 presenters who were speaking on different topics in
regards to the project and Social Accountability.
1. Dr. Truphena Mukuna - Executive Director of OSSREA and the Principal
Investigator of COYOQA project.
2. Prof. Peter Barasa – Member of OSSREA Kenya Chapter and Country
Research Lead COYOQA
3. Ms. Ann Maua – Communication specialist and Executive Director of
Uzalendo Afrika Initiative.
4. Mr. Alemu Tesfaye – Communications and Knowledge manager
5. Ms. Beth Maloba – Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Coordinator
Kenya, COYOQA.
The webinar was an interactive session that had a total of 36 participants
who were enthusiastic about the topic and very interested in the project.