posted on 2024-09-06, 00:05authored byJohn Lombard
It was Dr. Sen, of India, Director of the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, which has its headquarters in Rome, who organised the world-wide organisation known as the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”. A man of vision, he foresaw the problems throughout the world created by the population explosion. Dr. Sen bent his mind to devise ways and means of meeting this situation. He realised that this population explosion is a greater threat than the atom bomb because it is so certain, in spite of anything which can be done within the next 30 years by family planning. He therefore promulgated this idea of a world-wide effort to provide sufficient food for the future populations. He realised that the need will be gigantic and that to supply this need in 30 years’ time it is imperative to start making preparations now. Dr. Sen estimated in 1960, that the population of the world was approximately 3,000,000,000 of whom half were actually starving and that by the end of this century the population of the world will have increased to 6,000,000,000 people, of whom the vast majority will be starving unless something is done immediately to prevent it.
A RJE article on the Rhodesian government's participation in the global Freedom From Hunger Campaign in the late 1960's.
Rhodesian Economic Society (RES). University of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe.)
Lombard, J. (1968) The Rhodesia Freedom From Hunger Campaign. The Rhodesian Journal of Economics (RJE), vol. 2, no.3 (pp. 44- 52). UCR (now UZ), Salisbury (now Harare ): RES.
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University of Zimbabwe (UZ) (formerly University College of Rhodesia)