posted on 2024-09-06, 07:32authored byFei Guo, Lewis Akenji, Patrick Schroeder, Magnus Bengtsson
Based on a household energy use survey, this paper explores the technical and economic potential of
residential energy savings in a Chinese city, Xiamen. The survey adopted a similar questionnaire used by
the U.S. EIA's Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), covering the end-uses of cooking, water
heating, plug-in appliances, lighting and space cooling. The analysis shows that the technical potential of
energy savings in Xiamen's residential buildings is significant, around 20%. Of the technical potential,
about two-thirds to four-fifths are cost-effective from a whole society perspective. The cost-effectiveness
was evaluated by comparing the Levelised Cost of Conserved Energy (LCOCE) of advanced technical
measures with the actual cost of conserved energy. The actual cost of energy is defined by adding the
carbon emission cost and hidden government subsidies over the retail prices of energy. About threequarters
of the technical energy-saving potential in Xiamen come from adopting efficient household
appliances, therefore, further tightening the energy efficiency standards for key household appliances
and promoting wide diffusion of efficient models of appliances by various effective financial incentives
are essential for achieving residential energy savings in China's “Hot Summer and Warm Winter” region
where Xiamen locates.
Technical potential
Economic potential
Energy savings
Household energy consumption
Levelised cost of conserved energy
Residential buildings
Default funder
Guo, F.; Akenji, L.; Schroeder, P. & Bengtsson, M. (2017) Static Analysis of Technical and Economic Energy-Saving Potential in the Residential Sector of Xiamen City, Energy Journal, No 142 373-383, Elsevier.