posted on 2024-09-05, 23:53authored byGamuchirai Tsitsi. Ndamba
An action-research approach was adopted in an effort to improve the researcher's own practice in developing reflective skills of student teachers in evaluating lessons taught. The study involved four pre-service Diploma in Primary Education students on Teaching Practice (TP) at one Primary School in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe, four mentors, two college lecturers who were participant observers and myself (the researcher). Post-lesson observation conferences revealed that the students' ability to be self-critical had been enhanced. An analysis of TP documents also reflected great improvement in the evaluating patterns on both schemes and lesson plans. The insights gained from participating in this action research study are highlighted.
A ZBTE article on reflective skills amongst student teachers in Zimbabwe.
Department of Teacher Education (DTE), University of Zimbabwe.
Ndamba, G.T. (2007) Reflective Skills: Students Use of their Evaluation of Teaching, ZBTE vol. 14, no. 1. (pp. 58-78) UZ, Mt. Pleasant, Harare: DTE.