posted on 2024-09-06, 07:27authored byD.M. Blair, M.G. Weber
In all types of chemotherapeutic trials one reads of persons who are not cured of their infection by the agent being tested. In fact, it is on a favourable ratio of “cured” patients to those who are not cured, that in the final analysis the success or otherwise of a new drug is measured. Rarely does one read of efforts to study why a drug should fail to cure some people of an infection while other people in the same population group are apparently satisfactorily cured.
This is however, a really serious problem encountered in trials of new chemotherapeutic
agents against bilharziasis
A CAJM article on: Patients Subjected to Repeated Courses of Chemotherapy.
Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (formerly University College of Rhodesia.)
Blair, D.M & Weber, M. G. (1973) Prolonged Observation Of Schistosoma Mansoni Infections In Patients Subjected to Repeated Courses of Chemotherapy, CAJM vol.19, no.9. Harare (formerly Salisbury), Avondale: CAJM