This article presents an example of a power analysis in the nutrition policy process in Zambia, using the ‘power cube’ framework. Here, nutrition policy priorities were found to have been shaped by a global epistemic community relying on the hidden and invisible power of technical language and knowledge to frame policy options which resonated with their own beliefs about malnutrition. Actors in the Zambian nutrition policy process worked largely in closed spaces of power, with policy options set and selected by small policy elites. Striking in their absence from either invited or claimed spaces of power were the malnourished themselves, or their communities or representatives, who did not have a clear voice in Zambia’s nutrition policy process and therefore were without power. Further analysis of power is needed to better address glaring nutrition inequities and policy gaps such as those described in Zambia.
International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (iPES Food)
Institute of Development Studies
Harris, J. (2019) 'Power in the Zambian Nutrition Policy Process' in Harris, J., Anderson, M., Clément, C. and Nisbett, N. (Eds) The Political Economy of Food, IDS Bulletin 50.2, Brighton: IDS