Chronic inflammation has been proposed as having a prominent role in the construction ofsocial inequalities in health. Disentangling the effects of early life and adulthood social dis-advantage on inflammation is key in elucidating biological mechanisms underlying socio-economic disparities. Here we explore the relationship between socioeconomic position(SEP) across the life course and inflammation (as measured by CRP levels) in up to 23,008participants from six European cohort studies from three countries conducted between 1958and 2013. Wefind a consistent inverse association between SEP and CRP across cohorts,where participants with a less advantaged SEP have higher levels of inflammation. Educa-tional attainment is most strongly related to inflammation, after adjusting for health beha-viours, body mass index and later-in-life SEP. Thesefindings suggest socioeconomicdisadvantage in young adulthood is independently associated with later life inflammationcalling for further studies of the pathways operating through educational processes
Berger E, Castagné R, Chadeau-Hyam M, et al. Multi-cohort study identifies social determinants of systemic inflammation over the life course. Nature Communications. 2019 Feb;10(1):773. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08732-x