The dynamic role which industrialization plays in the growth of a national economy has been widely recognized {Hamilton and Linge, 1981s Wood, 1980; Krumme, 1969). Growth in the industrial sector triggers growth in both the primary and tertiary sectors through backward and forward linkages. Not only does the manufacturing sector produce machinery, fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture, but its growth promotes expansion of the tertiary sector as well. Given the importance of the manufacturing sector it is essential to study factors influencing the location of various industries in this sector and to examine the spatial distribution of the industry. This paper will concentrate on the somewhat neglected aspect of the spatial distribution and changes in the distribution of manufacturing industry in Zimbabwe.
A GP article on Zimbabwe's industrial development.
Geographical Association of Zimbabwe (GAZ)
Tevera, D.S. (1986) Measures Of Industrial Distribution In Zimbabwe, Geographical Proceedibngs (GP) no.16. Harare, Mt. Pleasant: GAZ