The present study contributes to our understanding of local level forest
crimes and law enforcement in community forestry. A total of 211
individuals from 5 categories of stakeholders, that all are involved in
community forestry in Nepal, responded to a structured questionnaire
administered face to face. The questionnaire elicited respondents’
perceptions on the nature, frequency, motives and consequences of forest
crimes. Findings show that illegal collection of firewood is perceived to be
the most frequent crime, followed by illegal appropriation of timber, poles
and thatch grasses. Stakeholders have clear ideas about the characteristics
and motives of forest criminals and sanctions are perceived to be lenient.
Paper can be found on page 353.
Chhetri, B.B.K., Larsen, H.O., and Smith-Hall, C. (2010) Stakeholder perspectives on patterns and causes of forest crimes in community forestry in Nepal. Scandinavian Forest Economics, (43), pp. 353-364.