The history of agitations to impose economic Sanctions on South Africa is as old as independent Africa itself. Following Sharpville, there were widespread discussions on the desirability of the economic isolation of racist South Africa with the aim of forcing the Republic to adopt social and political policies conforming to internationally acceptable standards of moral behavior. As such, international condemnation of racism in
South Africa has always been on the forefront. The initial idea was to impose economic sanctions backed by a complete blockade. However, this early notion of pressure soon died down, a feature which characterized the late 1960's and 1970's.
A seminar paper on the impact of international economic sanctions ( imposed on the then minority government of South Africa) on the other independent states of Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Seminar on Southern African Responses to Imperialism, 22-24 April 1987,
Department of Economics, Law, Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zimbabwe
Simelane, H. (1987) Sanctions and counter-sanctions and their implications for frontline states and SADCC, International Seminar Series Paper 4. Harare: Departments of Economics, Law, Political and Administrative Studies.