posted on 2024-09-06, 06:05authored byDexter M. Chavhunduka
As a form of introduction I will give some very crude statistics relating to the Communal Lands in order to highlight salient features of the geographical and socioeconomic environment of our target groups.
The communal farmers comprise approximately 800 000 households and own 3,5 million cattle and 2 million goats and a smaller number of sheep. Each household consists of 6-7 members.
The total land surface area occupied by the communal farmers is some 16,3 million hectares, and constitutes nearly half the agricultural land of Zimbabwe. Theoretically this works out at 20,3 ha per household but the population densities vary widely between, for example, parts of Mashonaland and parts of Matabeleland.
A conference paper on a church sponsored cattle rehabilitation and development programme in Zimbabwe's rural areas.
This publication has been made possible as a result of generous financial support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Ottawa.
Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) ; University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Chavhunduka, D.M. (1988) The Lutheran World Federation's Cattle Rehabilitation and Development Programme. In: Cousins, B. (ed.) People, land and livestock: proceedings of a workshop on the socio-economic dimensions of livestock production in the communal lands of Zimbabwe, held at Great Zimbabwe, Masvingo, 12th to 14th September, 1988, pp. 387-397. Harare: CASS.
IDS Item Types
Conference paper; Book chapter
Copyright holder
Uiversity of Zimbabwe's Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS)